Thursday, December 30, 2010

Jade Face Massager Revisited

A few months ago, I got several shipments in from overseas. One of those items in my many shipments was a jade face massager. Even then I wasn't sure if I was really going to use it. I just knew it was pretty. But I am using it. I love it. There are tips for using this tool though. Plus, the secret to it's skin rejuvenation has recently been revealed to me through my many trial and error experiences.

Tip #1: Get that baby cold!

This is the most important tip for me. You see, the jade is predominantly nonporous. So whatever temperature you put it at, it will stay until another temperature is introduced. I know, it's confusing. I will simplify. The cold, smooth surface is good for closing pores which makes the skin feel smoother. After a good exfoliating or some steaming, I must roll the jade over my face. The smoothness of the stone paired with that cold sensation feels great! Trust me.

Tip #2: Roll it UP

When using a face massager, it is crucial to roll it in an upward motion. We want to defy gravity. Rolling in a downward motion will only increase your chances for sagging and wrinkles. The combination of the solid structure of the roller and the smooth surface prove themselves to be viable in defeating the early signs of age. Remember, we are training the skin.

Tip #3: Don't Crack Me

If ever your roller has serious damage, don't try to fix it. Any adhesive you use will just destroy the surface of the roller. Any chips, cuts, or dings could also cause a nasty scar on your face. (Ouchie and yowzers!) Keep your jade roller protected and safe from breakage in a bag or box that is padded. Replacing them (if you can't find a dealer selling them for a low price) can be pricey, so take good care of it.

Tip #4: Keep it Clean

Do not use your massager on a dirty face. It will only spread bacteria and cause breakouts. Use it only after the face it thoroughly cleansed and moisturized. To keep your massager clean, use a mild body soap or even baby soap to remove any debris. Remember to dry it well to prevent rusting of metal casings.

I hope this was inspirational and informational for all of you that either own a jade face massager, would like to have one, or never even even heard about it. :)

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