Friday, February 22, 2013

Making My Own Jewelry

Recently, I've gotten into the craft of jewelry/accessory making.  I don't have a ton of stuff, just a few things I've created that are tailored to my personal taste.  Many of you don't know this, but I'm an aspiring sweet lolita.  It's an expensive hobby though, so I've been taking baby steps to make it work for me.  The crafting of my own accessories is a biggie because they can get to be quite expensive.  At any rate, here is just a small sample of the things that I've created.

This is just a sampling of some things that I've learned to do. Hopefully, in the future I will get better at my craft and make my items available to everybody. That's the goal at least. What do you all think? I need some feedback. :)

Personalize It

I know that phones don't necessarily fit into whole hair and beauty genre, but it does relate to personal style. Most of us select a phone based on our needs wants, and budgets.  It is an extension of who we are as we move through this increasingly technological world.

Something that many of us do is take the extra steps are personalizing our phones to suit our personalities.  In my case, it has to be super cute and over the top.  I can't be usual if I tried.  LOL.  Recently, I became the owner for the Samsung Galaxy S III.  It's everything I ever wanted in a phone.  (And I'm not being paid to say any of this in case aybody is wondering.)  Before the phone even arrived, I had purchased covers to go with it.  One of my favorites is a pic of one that arrived today.
When I saw this cover is just screamed "Take me!  I fit you!"  I had to have it.  I know, covers come a dime a dozen, but something about this one really spoke to me.  It's pink, it's shiny, and covered in rhinestones.  What more could a girl ask for? :)

On a more serious note, I encourage all of my readers out there to be yourself.  Express who you are and don't be afraid.  We are all beautiful and unique creatures.  Personalize your world to work for you while still being considerate.  Even if it's something as small as changing a phone cover or a total makeover, just do you.  Love the skin that you're in.

By the way, I know that there are few out there that are in love with this case, so I'll post a direct link to the item on eBay.  Just click here.  And the direct link for the store is here