Monday, November 17, 2008

Super Shed and Wed

Well ladies, it's happened. Mr. Perfect and I are going to jump ye old broom. I'm sorry that I've swept him under the rug for so long, but I didn't know what would happen. But now I'm sure and so secure. He was just too good to be true. I had to get that out of my head though. I'm just lightheaded over the whole thing. Couldn't be any happier that if I weighed 10 pounds less. I'm getting married! OMG! It sounds so weird. I'm going to be happy. I know that.

My family isn't aware of him at all. Only my cousin really knows. And my best friend. And we've all decided that we aren't going to utter butter until the day he gets home and it's too late for anybody to say anything. I swear. I'm going to pull a JLo and Marc Anthony. People will think they're showing up for a barbeque or something, and it'll be a wedding! LOL. Seriously, I wish. But then I wouldn't get any wedding gifts, and registries would be obsolete.

Well, I guess I could say a little about him. He's Israeli. He has the most beautiful eyes. I just stare at him all the time. I can't help it. Talk about hypnotized! He's tall. dark hair...Oh hell. I'll post a picture. LOL. He's just perfect. I don't know how else to say it. I love everything about him. His voice is like cashmere and I just...It's hard to say

It's a miracle that we even got this far considering that both our families are going to die over this whole color/religion thing. I told him I wanted to wait until the last minute to tell my family. That way they can't even try to talk me out of it or anything. And he has the task of telling his eventually. He already told his sister. She had nothing to say really. And I consider that I sign.

There have been no kind of "relations" whatsoever. I've been celibate for nearly 4 years now. And I have done so to make sure that I could save a part of myself for someone that loves me. So there is no need for casual sex. It means nothing to me. I want something special and lasting before I even consider. And now it has come along. It's gonna be out of this world. :P

I guess I should talk about the super shed part of this blog now. LOL. I'm having some massive shed. I thought it had slowed down. But it seems to have picked up again. I swear it has something to do with my botched relaxer last month. I could be wrong. Maybe it's the weather. I don't know. LOL. My hair doesn't seem to be doing worse though. It 's soft and moisturized. The moisture has been so up. And I've been avoiding the elements quite often. And it's shiny and with body and volume. I could just be trippin' for no reason. Or it could just be healthy winter shedding. We'll see. Maybe some protein will help...

1 comment:

Queeny20 said...

Congrats to you and your love. I hope your shedding doesn't last long. Let's hope that means you are about to get some good growth. Much love. Q