Monday, November 16, 2009

Update Pics

I know that I said I was going to post a pic of how my relaxer turned out, but I kinda forgot. So here it is. By the way, this was taken November 9th, the day of the relaxer. My ends are looking a lot better than last time. They are filling in pretty good. And that's my goal. I want better ends more than length right now. So I am going to baby them and keep wearing buns.

Also, I rolled my hair on satin rollers last night. And it was great...Until it got rained on. But it was pretty while it lasted I guess. and I apologize for looking tired as a junk. It was 8:30am. LOL

1 comment:

iruslala said...

i think the satin rollers really rolled your hair......they beautiful and attractive.